July 28, 2010

Newsprint on my fingers

Since I moved out, I no longer receive the Winnipeg Free Press newspaper every morning. I rely on my BlackBerry and laptop to provide me with daily information, but sometimes, I get lazy.

This summer, I have been exceptionally lazy. I click on the occasional Free Press Twitter link, but that’s about it. I watch The John Stewart Show and The Colbert Report (via laptop), but that really doesn’t count as actual news.

So... when my parents cut articles out of newspapers for me to read, I get really excited.

I am an old-fashioned, hand me that hard copy, print journalism kind of gal. For me, nothing can beat the stain of newsprint on my fingers and the smell of fresh ink as I’m drinking my morning coffee. I look forward to visiting my parent’s house every week because I know they have accumulated a collection of things for me to read.

Maybe I’m a nerd, but it’s always something I look forward to.

Keep 'em coming! Please...


  1. Amanda's Mom28/7/10 8:29 AM

    I'm like you (or are you like me?)in that I, too, love to read an actual newspaper. I miss the regular Sunday edition of the Wpg Free Press so I hold back certain sections of the Saturday paper, to read them on sunday mornign with, you guessed it, my coffee. And magazines! I put post-it notes on pages I want to refer back to or rip out pages to file away for future reference. Reading newspapers and magazines on-line have their place, but it's not for me. I can't comment on actual books vs e-books, but something tells me I'm not an e-book kind of gal either.

  2. This summer, I read my first ebook and now subscribe to "newspapers around the world" on PressReader for just $30 a month, presented the same way they are in the actual paper.

    Amanda and Amanda's mom: go in together on an iPad, and your love of newspapers will go through the roof - environmentally friendly digital post-it notes, highlighted passages where other readers have posted comments, and no stack of old papers or newsprint under your fingernails.
