July 14, 2010

I reached my book goal

This summer, I wanted to read 50 books. During the school year, it is very difficult to find time to read. Therefore, I knew that summertime would be my only chance to catch up on the books I have been missing, and read the things that have always interested me.

Well, I tallied up what I have read so far, and I was thoroughly surprised by the number I came up with.

Since May 1, 2010, I have read 61 books.


It is important to mention, however, that some of the books I read were ones that I have read before. I began by re-reading Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series, which I have gone through about 20 times. Next, I moved on to my favourite classics, including Middlemarch, Wuthering Heights, Pride & Prejudice, Jane Eyre, and so on.

I took a break from material I have already read and went on a murder mystery kick. That took up about a month, and I perused my way through about 10 authors.

Now, I'm working on true crime and history-related books. I just finished Schindler's List, and am currently reading The Bodyguard's Story by Trevor Rees-Jones. It's about the death of Princess Diana, and is written by the bodyguard who survived the accident.

Maybe I'll read 100 books by the time summer is over. I can't believe I hit my goal, but I'm not going to quit now...


  1. Wow, congratulations!

    What did you think of Schindler's List, by the way? I tried to read it a number of years ago, and while I loved the movie and find the subject matter fascinating, I couldn't finish the book because it was too dry for me...

  2. Amanda Hope14/7/10 4:37 PM

    Not going to lie... it was pretty dry.

    But, I got through it.
