July 19, 2010

Get a website Ninette...

... and you won’t have to deal with a strange city girl like me coming to your town and bothering you with a huge list of questions.

Part of my IPP research involves the late Ninette tuberculosis sanatorium. I know absolutely nothing about the town, including where it’s located, so I thought a bit of online research would help me figure it out.

Nope. Not so easy.

The town doesn’t have a website, which is unbelievably frustrating. In this age of technology, I naturally assumed that everyone has a website. Even I have a website! But not Ninette. There is no way for me to find out the information for town hall, the population, the names of local businesses, or coming events with the click of a mouse.

I realized very quickly that I am going to have to acquire what I want to know about Ninette the old-fashioned way. I’ll have to visit the library.

I've spent way too much time at the library this summer.


  1. Is this it?


  2. Amanda Hope19/7/10 2:34 PM

    Wow... where did you FIND that?!?
