August 23, 2010

Something that really bugged me...

This morning, I was minding my own business (listening to music and dancing around my apartment like a ninny) when someone knocked on my door.

I didn’t open it, because anyone here to see me would use the buzzer outside. Instead, I took a quick and careful glance through the peephole. Two men were standing on the other side of the door, and both were wearing Shaw t-shirts.

I still didn’t open the door, but asked loudly through it what they wanted.

Here’s what happened:

Shaw dude: “Hello there, I’m from Shaw cable and we’re doing some work here in the building.”

Me: “I didn’t call for Shaw.”

Dude: “Yes, we know, we’re hooking up someone’s Internet in the building. It’s come to our attention that you aren’t using Shaw as your Internet and cell phone provider.”

Me: Uh...”

Dude: “You must be paying too much.”

Me: “... uh...”

Dude: “I have a special deal, $10 a month, and if you open the door I’ll give you my card.”

Me: (finally thinking of something intelligent to say) “No thanks, I’m all set.”

Dude: “Here.” (slides card under door) “When you’re ready to start saving money, give me a call.”

And they’re off, leaving me with a business card sporting a handwritten promise of Internet for $10 a month written in a casual scrawl.

I heard them knocking on every door in my building, and pretty much everyone told them to take a hike.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for cheap stuff. What I’m not for are people knocking on my door and trying to sell me things that I clearly state I don’t want. The Shaw guys got into the building because they are hooking up someone else’s Internet. They decided to use their temporary access to try to drum up some new business.

Not cool.

I support unique and interesting selling tactics, and I understand that everyone needs to make a living. But please, please don’t try to sell me things through my door. I’m a paranoid apartment dweller, and I will regard anyone who arrives unannounced and uninvited with suspicion. I also felt that the deal was “too good to be true,” which only compounded my frustration.

I just needed to get that off my chest. Now, I can go back to dancing to the Footloose theme song in peace.


  1. No kidding. They usually send me letters... I like that better.

  2. Amanda's Mom23/8/10 2:15 PM

    Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for not opening your door. You did the right thing. How do you know that they aren't some rapists or murderers, looking for someone to hurt? Or burglers looking for empty apartments to burgle? What you did was safe and smart - good girl.

    And so now I have something else to worry about as you live away from home...

  3. "Personal sales" - I thought that ended with Avon.

  4. @mom - Don't worry, I'm safe. Anyone tries to mess with me, I'll kick their ass.

    @Kenton - I thought personal sales ended with Avon too. This was a new tactic I haven't seen before, and I didn't like it!
