August 12, 2010

Coffee? Why can't you work with me?

I think it’s safe to say that most people who know me are aware of my intense and turbulent affair with coffee. For the longest time, there was no limit to the amount I could drink on any given day. Cappuccino's, espresso's, mocha's, I love them all.

Recently, however, a dear friend of mine pointed out that it’s possible I drink too much coffee. Initially, I ignored her comments and convinced myself there is nothing wrong with eight cups a day.

But, I am having trouble sleeping - as I’ve written in a few earlier blogs - so it’s becoming necessary for me to pay attention to her warnings.

To get myself thinking about healthy coffee consumption, I researched information about caffeine online. The results were astounding, and here are some of my favourite statistics...
  1. 50% of the world’s population drinks some form of caffeinated beverage.
  2. Independent coffee shops equal $12 billion in annual sales.
  3. In Canada, coffee is more popular among adults than tea, milk, beer, fruit juices, and soft drinks.
  4. Canadians drink an average of 2.6 cups per day.
  5. Apparently, coffee also helps fight a common cold, puts you in a better mood, helps your memory, and helps you stay alert. Who knew.

I also tried to find a statistic for how long one cup of coffee stays in a person’s system, but no one could agree on an answer. One website said one cup would take 4-6 hours to wear off; another quoted 3 hours.

Either way, I’ve decided it’s necessary to cut back on my coffee intake. When school starts, I will only have two cups a day. That’s a promise.

(The above statistics were taken from the Coffee Association of Canada website. Take them for what they are.)


  1. Amanda's Mom12/8/10 2:32 PM

    Advice for now: make your cut back gradual. DO NOT go cold turkey. I did this one year for Lent and was a raving b***h withing a few days. Not good when one works in a church.

    Advice for in the future:caffeine from coffee seems to intensify hot flashes. Just saying.

  2. Amanda Hope12/8/10 2:52 PM

    HAHAHA! I'll remember that when I get hot flashes.

    And as for the raving b***h comment, no comment :p

    Love you.
