August 19, 2010

Jeans = my nemesis

I’ve recently entered that special time of year when I pull out my fall clothes and try them on. It’s not that I’m excited for winter, exactly. I just want to make sure everything fits.

Usually, I’m good to go, and most of my clothing remains just as it was when I packed it away last season. Occasionally, however, I have an issue with jeans.

I rarely gain weight during summer, but for some reason, my jeans usually fit funny. I think it has something to do with the loose-fitting shorts and skirts that make up the bulk of my summer wardrobe. Wearing jeans after a four months hiatus usually feels weird.

This season, true to form, my favourite pair of well-worn jeans won’t quite fit right. To remedy the problem, I did what I usually do – go shopping and buy new jeans.

And here lies the dilemma... I absolutely suck at shopping for jeans.

I have one of those weird body types that aren’t exactly user-friendly when it comes to denim. I have long legs, which means that jeans are usually either too long or too short. I also have almost no butt to speak of, which only compounds the problem. Most people who wear a 36-inch inseam have a figure, whereas I don’t.

What I wouldn’t give to be rich and famous with the luxury of a personal clothing designer and tailor on staff. Then, maybe, I could find a pair of jeans that would fit correctly without the angst and tears that usually accompany my search. There have been many shouting matches between my mother and me over the delicate topic of jeans shopping over the years, and if I had had someone to personally design a pair for me, mom and I could have spent the energy we wasted fighting on more constructive activities.

I’ve scoured both Polo Park and St. Vital Centre, and found nothing. With hundreds of clothing stores, one would assume that I could find something that resembles a well-fitting pair of jeans.

Nope. Not so lucky.

Jeans are my nemesis. The perfect pair, for me, is on par with a unicorn. They might exist, somewhere, but I’ll never know for sure.

1 comment:

  1. Amanda's Mom20/8/10 8:55 AM

    Ah yes, jean shopping. Do you remember how we had to bring Allie with us? You and she would go into stores and you would try things on, while I waiting in the mall concourse. If you found something you liked, Allie would come out to get me so I could take a look and either yea or nay your choice. I like shopping with you now much better!

    I'm sure your "old" jeans still fit - it's just that you aren't used to wearing tight clothing.
