The novel is called "Middlemarch." It was written by George Eliot, and published in 1874. An interesting side note is that "George Eliot" was actually a pen name for the female author, Mary Anne Evans. She was an author during the Victorian Era, a time when it was not considered "ladylike" to be a writer. Evans used a pen name to ensure her work would be taken seriously, and given a fair chance at being published. I think this is one of the reasons why I love the book. I admire Evans courage. I t is also rumoured Evans used a pen name to avoid scrutiny over the fact she was having an affair with a married man, but i'm going to leave that one alone for now...
There are four main plots in the novel. Each plot follows either a man or a woman, and highlights their trials and tribulations as they attempt to find both a lover and a successful place in society. The plot line I am most interested in is that of the young Dorothea Brooke. She is a

Middlemarch is a fictitious town located somewhere in Central England. The fact that the entire novel takes place in a small town adds a comical aspect, because everyone makes a point of knowing everyone else's business. It is almost impossible for someone to sneeze without another person hearing about it 30 seconds later. This makes it very difficult for the characters in the novel to do as they please, as others are constantly interfering.
Overall, I think this is a novel everyone should read. It is well written, not that difficult to follow (even for those who aren't into the classic novel thing), and it teaches you what NOT to do in a relationship. I love it!
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