January 4, 2010

Ode to a Fantastic White Wine

Over Christmas, I did a lot of socializing. Usually, holiday socializing equals holiday drinking, and I did quite a bit of the latter as well. After a certain amount of time, one can no longer drink beer, and I reached my breaking point on or around December 23. I decided to switch to wine for the remainder of the holidays, and I can't express how smart of a move that was.

I went to the liquor store, and wandered up and down the aisles aimlessly. My family are connoisseurs of good wine, and as a result, I have become quite jaded in my selections. Don't even talk to me about Naked Grape - that stuff is only decent when mixed with ginger ale and a large amount of ice. I finally found myself standing in front of the Italy section. I went to Europe this summer – as most of my readers are probably painfully aware of by now – and I drank a lot of wine while I was there. The best wine was in Italy. I walked slowly down the aisle, scanning titles for anything that looked familiar, and finally I found one.

Pasqua Night Harvest Pinot Grigio White Wine, bottled in Verona, Italy. The name sounded familiar, so I bought it. Later that evening, when Jeff and I opened the bottle, it tasted familiar too. Now, I can't be one hundred per cent sure, but I do believe I drank the same wine when I was in Venice. Either way, it tastes pretty good. If you are in need of a beer vacation, or are simply looking for something a little bit classier, try this white wine. It's only about $13 a bottle, so it won’t break the bank either!


  1. Speaking of pasqua wine...you have half a bottle in my fridge that made its way back from the weekend!


  2. Keep it safe, and i'll be over this weekend! We have birthday's to celebrate!

  3. Amanda's Mom7/1/10 4:14 PM

    Two things:

    OMG, you have become a wine snob (of sorts, just like your dad. The wine grape has not fallen too far from the vine..Wait! I think I am a bit of a wine snob as well...do you remember that crap we drank on the island of Santorini?! I shudder just thinking about how awfully sweet it was...I seem to remember us gazing at the sunset over the caldera, picking up our glasses, taking a little sip, looking over at you and seeing you eyeing your glass with a look of utter disgust on your face...

    And is a beer vacation a vacation WITH beer or WITHOUT beer? Just asking...
