It happened twice before I clued in that something strange was going on. I would be standing in the shower - first thing in the morning - and would get this "great idea." It would come to me as I was shampooing my hair; the lightbulb would just turn on. Desperate to catch my great idea before the moment passed, I would jump out of the shower, barely dry myself off, and race for the bedside table where I always hide a pen and paper. Scribbling madly, I would try to write down the idea before it passed through my mind.
It was this weekend - the third time I had an epiphany in the shower - when I realized what was actually happening. The fact that I had two, and now THREE, moments of brilliance in the last few weeks, and all of them were in the shower was quite interesting. As I toweled off, I started thinking about my new, shower epiphany phenomenon.

I realized that over the course of my entire life, I have ALWAYS had my best ideas come to me in the shower. Sometimes, I wouldn't write down the idea until much later in the day. But, the actual idea itself entered my mind first thing while I woke up under a spray of warm water, and hid in my brain until I decided to pull it out, hours later. I began to wonder what it was about the shower that promoted deep thought...
The only thing that I can come up with is that it is a private, quiet place where an individual can be completely alone with their thoughts. No one can bother you, ringing phones can't be heard, and of course, a person can't be doing homework when they are taking a shower. My conclusion is that I plan to spend more time in the shower, alone with my thoughts. Who knows what I will come up with next?
Awesome post. I find that I do a lot of my best thinking in the shower, for the same reasons you mentioned. Though I can hear my phone go off and I have gotten out of the shower to answer the phone...though I've sworn off that habit as of late.
ReplyDeleteIt's also my favourite place to be alone with my emotions. Nobody can hear you above the sound of the water and the fan so you are free to let whatever you are feeling out. Then you feel more emotionally fresh when you get out.
Thanks for the comment Jen! I also love singing in the shower (as I think many people do), because sounds are amplified and I can hear myself well...
ReplyDeleteHahaha, so cute.
ReplyDeleteWait a minute! Spend MORE TIME in the shower?!
ReplyDeleteMy flashes of brilliance seem to come to me when I am driving in my car, usually when alone; however, there have been many times when luckily I have a passenger - usually you or your brother - and ask you to please, please, please write this down...