October 25, 2009

The Monster Mash

I don't CARE what anyone else says, but Halloween isn't Halloween without the Monster Mash. This song has been around forever, and everytime I hear it, I smile. Memories of swing dancing at junior high dances with my girlfriends come to mind, as well as listening to the radio as my mom drove me to school. I figured I might as well include the video, so everyone out there can enjoy it too!

I think the Monster Mash is to Halloween like A Christmas Story is to Christmas...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I remember this song when I was in junior high too - and that was way before you were even born! It's certainly been around a long, long time!

  3. Thriller - MJ

    Enough said.

  4. Hahaha... Thriller kicks ass, i'll give you that. Although, as a kid, I heard/saw this video way before I even knew who Michael Jackson was. I think it's a matter of what a person is exposed to first!

  5. Oh man- This is indeed my quintessential Halloween song. Good show.

    Although I did indeed love coming home from ToTing and having Thriller on the TV. It seemed to play over and over on MuchMusic. I was always curious how many times it played out while I was gone...

    We shall watch A Christmas Story together this holiday season, because I want a Red Rider BB Gun and I can't put my arms dowwwwn!
