October 4, 2009

October = Time for Halloween Pranks

In the spirit of October, the following is a video I absolutely love. My brother sent it to me about a year ago, and I have wanted to pull this prank in a library ever since. I think that a library was also the perfect location for a loud, over the top stunt. It was around Halloween, which means midterms. There were probably a lot of stressed out, ready to jump out a window students in the library who really needed a good laugh. I know that if I witnessed something like this in person, it would make my day!



  1. Loved that video! It for sure brightened my day!

  2. You haven't lived until you've seen a pneumatic air cannon shooting a pumpkin into space. Top 3 Best Pumpkin Pranks of All Time

  3. I am thinking what it would be like to see a pumpkin shot into space!!!

    Here areu some flashcards which my friend send over.
