October 5, 2009

The Greatest Thing I've Ever Seen...

And if this video doesn't make you laugh out loud, there is seriously something wrong with you!

This video takes place at the Central Train Station in Antwerp, Belgium. Over 200 dancers perform a choreographed routine to "The Sound of Music." The greatest part about it is that they are all dressed in every day attire, and join in sporadically throughout the routine. The group only had 2 rehearsals, and they are AWESOME!

Here you go...

Now, to my CreComm section one classmates... think we should try something like this? I bet it would make an awesome project for broadcasting...


  1. Not to mention great fun in the Atrium!

  2. I've seen this before, and I'm not embarrassed to say that it makes me tear up.

  3. Amanda's mom6/10/09 9:52 AM

    Me, too, Brietta. I tear up as well. ; It looks like so much fun - I'd love to be a part of something like this.

  4. It's so fantastic! I'm all for supporting your quest to do a CreComm version of this business.

    LET'S DO IT.
    AND DO IT.
    AND DO IT.
    DO IT. :D
