May 25, 2011

Pieces: Available now at McNally Robinson Bookstore

I never thought I would see this day.

A year ago, I perused the "Prairie Authors" section of McNally Robinson Bookstore with admiration. It takes a lot to publish a novel and have it sold in a bookstore, and I remember thinking to myself: "I wonder if one day my book will be here too."

Well, after a year of writing, editing, revising and marketing, it finally is.

Yesterday, Pieces became available for sale at McNally Robinson, and I couldn't be happier.

A special Christmas signing event will take place in the fall, and until then my books sit happily on the shelf waiting to be picked up, purchased and enjoyed.

Thank you, McNally. I am so glad this day has finally arrived.


  1. Auntie Gail25/5/11 1:19 PM

    WOW! What a coupe. Kudos Amanda

  2. Thanks Auntie Gail! I wish you were here to celebrate with me :)

  3. Kick ass!!! That's awesome babe!! I'm so happy for you.

  4. Amanda's Mom26/5/11 9:30 AM

    Whoop! Whoop!
