September 3, 2010

Watching winter approach

I have no idea where summer went.

The last months of my first year of CreComm flew by, and I desperately needed time away from school to regroup and regain my sanity. I love my classmates and my instructors, but the cabin was calling my name. I was lucky enough to spend four luxurious months writing, reading, relaxing, and thinking. I didn’t have to follow a schedule, and I didn’t have to answer to anyone but myself. It was beautiful, and I am lucky to have had such a wonderful summer.

Today, it’s September 3. The first week of my second year at Red River is already gone. As I walked to my bus stop this morning, I noticed the trees lining the street are beginning to lose their leaves. In no time, Winnipeg winter will rear its ugly head and everything will freeze. School will take off in earnest, and I’ll find myself immersed in the academic stylings of my instructors once again.

Time passes much too quickly. Before I know it, I will be graduating and facing the challenge of deciding what to do with the rest of my life. When the first signs of spring begin to show, I’ll be handing in my final assignments, wrapping up my IPP, and saying goodbye to a lot of amazing people. Naturally, many of our paths will cross again. But we won’t be together all day, every day, and that will be a serious adjustment.

I usually watch winter approach with anticipation. I think about Christmas, snowboarding, and the end of another school year. Not this time. Instead of counting down the days until completion, I’m trying to enjoy the time in between.

Life is too short to wish for the future when the present can be just as great.


  1. You got that right!!
    A dear friend I just lost, told me to learn to live in the moment! and make each day count!

    ( life is a gift, thats why they call it the present)
    I read that somewhere, and it stuck?

  2. Auntie Gail4/9/10 8:36 PM

    To ease pressure on myself, instead of asking "what will I do with the rest of my life?" I try to remember to say something like "What will I choose to do next?". Just a thought.

    And I agree with you & Harriet, live in the moment as you never know what's around the corner.

    Harriet, my condolences on the loss of your friend. I also lost a friend 2 weeks ago, full of life, a brilliant smile, crazy laugh, gone too soon.
