September 17, 2010

My first rejection letter

Earlier this summer, I submitted a number of poems and short stories to six literary journals around Canada.

To be completely honest, I wasn’t expecting much in return. I have been published a few times in the Winnipeg Free Press, and I worked as an intern at Canada’s History magazine, but I am otherwise an unknown in the literary world.

My Creative Writing instructor informed me that a person isn’t truly trying to be a writer until they start to get rejection letters. It can take years to be published in a literary journal for the first time. And, when that beautiful acceptance letter finally appears, it’s usually because the right editor read the right piece at the right time.

I have started my “Rejection” file, and it currently resides under my bed. I’m eagerly waiting for the day I will be able to start an “Accepted” file.

I’ll be published in a literary journal eventually, and I refuse to stop trying.


  1. I have a few rejection letters myself. Don't sweat it. If you keep at it, the day will come when you see your final product on the book shelves.

  2. Thanks, Greg! And you're totally right... I won't EVER give up!

  3. Blogging: worldwide audience, no rejection letters.

  4. Never stop trying A. I know you'll get there and be a huge hit!
