March 18, 2010

It's all about the relationships

Last night I was watching Lost, and I stumbled across a few realizations. One: I have absolutely no idea what is happening. Two: I don't care. All I want to know is who Kate will end up with. Will it be bad boy Sawyer, or the good doctor, Jack?

After the show ended, I started thinking. I lose interest in television shows quite frequently when the love interest don't hook up or fall apart completely. I loved watching The Office, and I followed it frequently. After Jim and Pam got together, I stopped watching. Throughout the first few seasons, I was always waiting, waiting, WAITING to find out if they would just get it together and start dating already. After they did, I felt like I could move on. Sure, the show is hilarious, and if it's on I will watch it. But I no longer make an effort to tune in.

I followed the same pattern with The X-Files. My boyfriend and I own every season on DVD, and I would tirelessly scour the information cards that outline each episode. I was looking for any indication that something romantic would happen between Scully and Mulder. It never really happened. In the first feature film, The X-Files, the two almost shared a kiss. But, in a cruel twist of fate, Scully was bit by a wasp and ruined the moment. The second X-Files movie was also a huge let down. I couldn't figure out if they were together, had been together, or were getting together. The fact that the movie was absolutely horrible didn't help either.

The series finale of the Gilmore Girls was a huge let down for me. Rory didn't end up with anyone! I was waiting for Jess to show up and proclaim his undying love. He didn't. Rory went to the city, started a job, and stated that she wanted to focus on her career. Good for her, but I wanted to see a happy ending.

My parent's have recently become fans of Bones, and they watch it regularly. I have barely any time for television, and I usually catch a few minutes of the show each week. The plot is interesting, the characters are great, but all I really want to know is if Bones and Both will attempt to have a dysfunctional relationship.
So why am I so obsessed with characters in television shows having a relationship? Maybe I love the drama, the constant question of "will they ever get it together and be happy?" Or, maybe I am actually a closet romantic who wants everyone (even fictional characters) to be in a loving relationship like I am. I doubt it, but who knows! At least one relationship better pan out by the time Lost finishes. If Kate doesn't end up with SOMEONE, I will be very upset, and my blog readers will hear about it.


  1. Amanda's Mom18/3/10 10:53 AM


  2. I'm the opposite when it comes to Lost. I don't care who she ends up with, and kind of want her to end up alone. The love triangle is something I've been tired of for awhile...I want other answers!

  3. I am the same way with my shows! I need the focus on the "almost" relationship before I can stop watching. I find that I'm the same way with books.

    And I totally believe you are a closet romantic... and if not I will turn you into one. But I think you are.

  4. I don't know about THAT! I'm sure i'll turn into a romantic if I spend enough time with you though...

  5. Auntie Gail27/3/10 2:44 PM

    You're a Cancer. Of course you're a romantic at heart!

  6. Man Grey's Anatomy, all about the relationships in question. Only reason I ever watched. And I'm so with you on the Gilmore Girls thing, GEEZE
