February 21, 2010

Am I good enough?

At some point, every young person asks themselves the age old question: “am I good enough?” This question could be referring to anything. Maybe some guy is thinking about proposing to his girlfriend, and he has no idea if she’ll accept. Or, a woman could be applying for her first entry level position after university, and wonders if she will ever be able to compete against everyone else who has the same education and the same extracurricular experience. For me, the question of “am I good enough” popped up in my mind earlier today. I was working on a school assignment, trying to use reading week to get some work done, and it hit me. What if I never actually make it as a writer? What is all this is for nothing?

I’m sure some people are wanting to smack me upside the head and shout “grow up” in my ear right about now, but hear me out before you start to judge. It’s a hard, cold world out there, and no one really cares if i’m any good or not. One of the journalism instructors at RRC – Duncan – made a point during one of my first classes that really stuck with me. We were asked to write a biography about another student. My opening line was horrible, and I wrote down the date, time, and hospital where the person was born. Duncan told us that besides our mothers, no one really cares where and when we were born. It doesn’t mean anything to them. As harsh as that sounds, he’s totally right.

After I walk out the doors of Red River for the last time, no one cares if I succeed or not (I know you do, mom and dad, but you don’t count). There are thousands of other young people just like me who want the same thing... to make a living off of their writing. They might be better than me. So what do I do? Give up, hang my head and go get a “real” job?

I made a decision when I decided to take journalism in college. I said to hell with what everyone else thinks, and threw the safe route out the window. I’m almost finished my first year, and I have no regrets. Sure, i’m exhausted. Some days I am so tired I want to drop everything and run. Other days, like today, I feel that my head is so full of information it will explode. But I haven’t given up yet.

To answer my own question, this isn’t for nothing. Even if I don’t make it as exactly the kind of writer I want to be, I will find something that works. The world is hard, it is cold, but people make it every single day. I can be one of those people. I guess this blog is really no more than an attempt to talk myself out of being stressed out and frustrated. And... it worked.


  1. I care about you succeeding!

    I know what you are talking about though. I've had countless "am I goo enough?" moments in my life, and even had one of those moments yesterday and today. I give everything I do in life my all...but what if my all isn't good enough?

    I haven't given up either, and like you, I will find something, somehow. You just have to be stubborn and keep on working at it...

  2. Erm...that would be "good enough". I most certainly am not "goo enough".

  3. Amanda's Mom22/2/10 3:55 PM

    I was getting ready to comment, right up until I read the (I know you do, mom and dad, but you don't count) so I won't. Comment, that is.

    Oh sure I will!

    Sweetie, you have had many obstacles in life and you have overcome every single one of them. Those doubts you are having? Every one of us has them. Yes, even at my age. My only unsolicitated advice to you is to not let your fears guide you. If you give in to your fears and play it safe, you will miss out on experiences that may well turn out to be truly amazing. Or at least fodder for a humorous blog entry. Or magazine article.

  4. Add your instructors to the list of people who care about what you do after you graduate!

    And you're all good enough - or you wouldn't be in this challenging program in the first place. I think watching the IPP presentations in a couple of weeks will renew your inspiration; CreComms are capable of accomplishing amazing things!

  5. I can't wait to be a little more inspired by the IPP presentations. I know that all of us (especially you, Amanda!) have a creativity in us that keeps us going in the program and towards some sort of end-path.

    I too feel the same way over and over again, but we'll also feel inspired over and over again, helping each other to find those landmark points.

    I care more than you know! You're my soul sistah and you know it! Our fates are forever entangled now!
