On Monday, my friend Tiffany wore an awesome pair of new black pants to school. They were an early Christmas present from her girlfriend, and they were fantastic. During Broadcasting class, she was the "talent" in a game show, and knelt down on the floor for one reason or another. She didn't discover until later that someone had decided to drop their gum on the floor, and that very same gum was now stuck to her new pants. She managed to remove the gum - thankfully - but was less than impressed that someone decided the floor was a good place to discard unwanted foodstuff. I was annoyed that this happened to her, and I decided to write a blog about it.
Yesterday, I was very tired. I was also slightly cranky. When I am overly

sleepy, I refuse to put on actual pants, and instead wear my Lulu lemon yoga pants to school. I did this yesterday, because for some reason, feeling like I'm in pajamas on a sleepy day makes me feel more productive. It was the second-last class of the day, and I was looking forward to going home, WHEN TRAGEDY STRUCK! I have very long legs, and as a result, always have my adjustable chair on the highest possible setting. I was sitting in Journalism class, and realized that the top of my leg was somehow stuck to the underside of the desk I was sitting at. I pulled my leg free, and to my dismay I realized that someone had recently stuck their chewing gum underneath the table. I now had a very large piece of gum stuck to my pants, and like Tiffany the day before, I was thoroughly unimpressed.
My story does not have a happy ending. The gum would not remove itself from my pants, no matter what I tried, and my safe, comfortable, good for a sleepy day pants are now ruined. I want to express my anger and frustration at this situation, and I hope that the person who stuck their gum to the table will read this blog. Find a garbage can or a piece of paper. Do something, ANYTHING else; gum is meant to be in a person's mouth, or a garbage can.
Did you know that chewing gum was banned in Singapore in 1992? The act was revised in 2004, and only gum of "therapeutic value" is allowed in the country. This law was created because of the very thing I am complaining about: people discarded of gum in stupid places, such as under tables or chairs and on the ground. I know that Canadians would be very angry if we were suddenly told we could no longer have chewing gum, so do the right thing. Throw it out. Don't ruin someone's day.
I agree - gum is meant to be in the mouth, in a wrapper or in the garbage. How utterly gross and disgusting to have someone elses gum on your clothes! Or how about when you run your hand on the underside of a chair or desk and actually TOUCH it! Ugh! I don't know if this stil happens, but back in the day, school custodians spent a great deal of time scraping used chewing gum off of the undersides of desks and chairs. What a way to make a living! I hope that eveyone who reads this and is guilty of sticking their gum where it should not be thinks about the poor guy - or girl- whose job it is to scrape it off. And I'm sorry that you and Tiffany got someone elses' gum on your pants and I hope they are not ruined.