March 21, 2011

My book launch is over…

For the last year, my book has always been on my mind. Ever since I decided to write a full-length novel, there hasn’t been a day that I didn’t think about it.

There was also always something to do. If I wasn’t writing, I was editing. If I wasn’t editing, I was publishing. And then, after publishing, I actually had to start selling the thing.

So many things were happening with school and life that I didn’t really think about my launch until about two weeks beforehand. I owe so much to my mother, because she basically put the entire event together. I also need to give a huge shout out to both Cre8ery Gallery – my venue – and Diversity Catering, the company that provided all of my food for free.

My biggest fear was that no one would show up and I wouldn’t sell very many books. One never knows with an “artsy” event like a book launch. Thankfully, I worried for nothing. Over 85 people attended, and I sold 65 copies of Pieces.

I can honestly say this… My book launch was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. When I stood in front of the microphone and stared out at the loving, supportive faces of my friends and family I was almost reduced to tears on the spot. I cannot express how humbled and grateful I feel for the love and the kindness I received last night, and the launch wouldn’t have been a success without my guests.

Who am I kidding? It wouldn’t have been anything without my guests. You are all amazing.

There will be a video of the book launch ready soon, and I will post it on my blog. I also had an amazing photographer take pictures throughout the night (thank you, Cindy Titus), and I’ve included a few of my favourites below. I hope you enjoy!

Desiree, Jess & Danielle. And food. :)

A few of my fantastic classmates watching the presentation.

One of my lovely table volunteers Kristen shows off my book.

I talk about my book!

Some of my guests. That's Jeff & Ty - my boys - in the front row.

I sign a copy of Pieces.


  1. Amanda's Mom22/3/11 9:08 AM

    It was a fantastically fun evening, and I, too, want to thank everyone who came out and supported you. Your CreComm family is amazing!

    And it was great to prove that I DO exist in the physical world, not just the virtual (shout out to Duncan M.)!

  2. I was so sorry that I couldn't be there for you Sunday night - but I'm very much looking forward to digging into your book!

    And I do hope that I'll have another chance to meet Amanda's Mom; maybe at convocation?

  3. I should add "again" - we first met at the magazine fair last year, but I look forward to congratulating her on being the mother of a novelist! :)

  4. Amanda's Mom23/3/11 8:42 AM

    I'll be there for sure! When is it - anyone know?

  5. Thank you Melanie! It was a great experience, and I'll show you the launch video that Jeff edited on Tuesday.

    Mom - no idea yet, but I'll let you know!
