January 23, 2011

Today in history... I moved to Winnipeg

January 23, 2003, is a day that I will never, ever forget. It was cold, it was miserable, and I truly thought my life was over. Moving from Calgary to Winnipeg halfway through high school was the last thing I wanted to do, and I was determined to make the experience as awful as possible for anyone and everyone I came in contact with.

The first six months were an adjustment. The roads were smaller and in much crappier condition. I didn’t know my way around the city, and finding my school the first few days was a struggle. I didn’t have a job, I didn’t have friends, and damn was it cold. To an unhappy 16-year-old girl, this was hell.

In hindsight, the move was one of the best things that have ever happened to me. I wouldn’t change anything, and over the past eight years, I have grown to love this city. There are, however, a number of reasons why the move has been so great for me, and I’ll share a few of those with you now...

Family, family, family: Moving brought my parents, my brother, and me closer together. We had to work together through the rough times, and we did so successfully as a strong, impenetrable unit. We leaned on each other for support, and my family isn’t simply just my family anymore. They are my closest and dearest friends.

Moving to Winnipeg also provided me with the opportunity to get to know my extended family better. Sure, I knew who they were as I was growing up. Occasionally, we met in person or exchanged phone calls. But I didn’t really know much about their lives. After I moved to Winnipeg, I began to spend more time with my extended family. I discovered how awesome they are. I regret the years that I have missed with them, but at least most of my cousins know who I am now.

The move also provided me with an opportunity to spend more time with my lovely grandmothers. This is something that simply wouldn’t have been possible had I continued to live in Calgary, and I cherished each moment we spent together. I now only have one grandparent left, and I will not – for any reason – waste the opportunity to spend time with her.

Education: I wasn’t headed down a path like the one I currently am when I was living in Calgary. Who knows if I would have chosen to pursue a post-secondary education if I had stayed. Probably not.

Friends: This works both ways. Moving to Winnipeg has allowed me the opportunity to meet some of the most fantastic people. I left behind a lot of great friends, but gradually, I made new ones here. I also realized that the people who mean the most to me from Calgary are still in my life despite the distance. My girlfriend Allie and I, for example, can pick up like no time has passed at all whenever we see each other. Sometimes it’s only been a few months since our last visit, but most of the time, it’s been years.

And yes, moving to Winnipeg introduced me to my boyfriend. I wouldn’t have met him if I had stayed in Calgary, and who knows what type of person I would have ended up with. I’ve also gotten to know and fallen in love with Jeff’s family, who are supportive, kind, fantastic people.

Everything happens for a reason. I might have been miserable in 2003, but I’m truly happy in 2011.

1 comment:

  1. Amanda's Mom24/1/11 9:18 AM

    Beautiful post. I'll never forget the dreaded 'family meeting' when we told you and Chris we were moving; how you cried in the Calgary airport; how I cried on the plane; how difficult the first 6 - 12 months were for all of us. But I'll never tire of hearing how it has turned into the best thing that has ever happened to you, because it validates that Dad and I thought we were doing what was best for our family unit of 4. Thanks for this post, Amanda!
