October 11, 2010

Just another day at the office

The last week has been utterly insane.

I’ve attended five separate meetings, one of which was two hours long and halfway across the city. I’ve written 45,000 words for assignments, filmed two movies for television class, edited both, written and posted three blogs about Greece, and compiled information for a presentation that I’m sure my classmates found long and painful.

I’ve also run around the Exchange District on two separate occasions, taking pictures of old buildings and fire escapes for another assignment. I have re-discovered my hatred for InDesign, and learned some fascinating tricks in Photoshop. Overall, it’s been a very involved week, and I am shocked that I’m still alive.

But, just as things get a little too crazy, I’m reminded of why I signed up for CreComm in the first place.

What other program would allow me to run around downtown, take pictures of things I find interesting, and use them later in a project that I create all by myself?

And where else could I film a short movie...

... with my friends, whom I love...

... and spend hours sitting in a little room editing it together. (Although, spending hours editing isn't always the most fun way to spend a Friday afternoon, but you make the best of it when they company is desirable).
Last week was brutal. I can't pretend it wasn't. But even though I was stressed out, frustrated, and ready to quit, I kept going. I vented to my friends, had lunch at the King's Head, and reminded myself that everyone else is just as stressed out as I am.

I signed up for CreComm for the education, but I could never, ever leave because of the people. You all are wonderful, and thanks for being there when I need you.


  1. P.S. I haven't smoked in 3 weeks...

  2. WOOOOOO To the not smoking
    Congrats on all the writing
    and you are most welcome for all of the amazing company in those edit suites.... just a thought, next time lets bring out PJ's!

  3. Auntie Gail - Thank you! I really, really appreciate your comments on my blog!

    Ash - We should keep pajamas in our locker.

    Melanie - Yes, 45,000. I did count my IPP and a few extra blogs that I wrote as backup, but it was a busy week!

  4. You are phenomenal. That's all I can say.
