November 22, 2010

My chance encounter with Dawna Friesen

I have been trying to write this post for a few weeks, but life has a tendency of getting in the way. My backup file of blog posts has taken a beating, and I have no choice but to start writing again.

On Thursday, October 21, 2010, the new anchor of Global National – Dawna Friesen – visited Red River College’s Princess Street Campus. You might be wondering why she chose to visit RRC, but the answer is quite simple. Friesen – along with a laundry list of other successful individuals – is a CreComm grad.

Last year, when she was still working as a foreign correspondent for NBC News, Friesen came to school and spoke to the first-year CreComm class. I found her to be interesting and engaging, and wanted to ask her many questions about her job. I didn’t, however, because I was still a new student. I was afraid I would look young and inexperienced, so I refrained from raising my hand. I also didn't introduce myself after her speech (which I desperately wanted to do), and left the lecture theatre with regrets instead.

So when I saw Friesen walking toward me after speaking to the first year students this time, I decided I wasn't going to let the moment pass. Along with my classmate Jasmine, we stopped Friesen, introduced ourselves, asked a few questions, and posed for a few photographs.

I wish I had worn my lovely black blazer, but otherwise I think it's a great picture!

She was nice, she was gracious, and I am so happy that I had the chance to speak with her. It's always inspiring when I meet someone who used to be in my shoes, and it makes me feel as though I can do anything I set my mind to.

If you want to know more about Dawna Friesen, this is a very informative story.

1 comment:

  1. Dawna Friesen is epic! That's fantastic that you met her!
